Our first real day of biking, we planned on starting early to beat the heat, so we got up early to eat some breakfast and prepare ourselves. At about 9 o'clock we head of with the light descent to the 'Rio Guadalfeo', after crossing it and a slight stretch of asphalt we were at the start of our long climb of the day . The climb is a steady climb in the beginning till some asphalted piece comes and the steepness of the climb increases, then the asphalt stops but the steepness continues, I just manages the first part but it continues to climb and have to walk a small piece too.
Finally the climb flattens a bit, but a junction we're faced with another 'wall', after conquering this wall we find a nice view of the Orgiva surroundings:
After spending our lunch on the highest point of the day, we started on our descent, which is divided in 3 pieces: a large fast jeeptrack descent with a lot of loose stones
The second part was the most exciting one and lends the name to this blog entry: single track with short switchbacks, I lost count of how many switchbacks there were but I guess about 30... At the end of this section you know from yourself which turn you like, for me it's a right turn switchback gives me a little more problems to take cleanly.
The third part of the descent is the continuation of the single track without switchbacks.
After this fine descent we head back to the chalet, but we have to cross the 'Rio Guadalfeo' again, and we don't want to make the trip to the bridge... So some cycle through the water, others remove their shoes and the rest just go through it with their shoes on. . A climb on the road to Orgiva ends our biking for today.
Video of the switchback descent is being edited at this moment...
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